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Title [Herald Economy] Mercedes-Benz Social Contribution Committee, 150 million won in scholarships for sports prospects
Name knf
Date 2023-04-14 Hit 2389




The Mercedes-Benz Committee for Social Responsibility announced today that it will provide scholarships totaling KRW 150 million to 50 promising 

Korean children and youth sports stars through the Mercedes-Benz GIVE 'N DREAM program.


GIVE 'N DREAM is part of Mercedes-Benz GIVE, a social contribution program that promotes a culture of giving through sports. 

The scholarships will be awarded to 50 promising athletes from various fields, including soccer, baseball, taekwondo, wrestling, and badminton, 

who are selected through a screening process from among students from basic or second-class families and other low-income families,


The Give & Dream Scholars will receive up to KRW 3 million for one year. They can use the funds to participate in sports competitions, 

train, purchase sporting goods, treat injuries, and other related purposes.


Since the establishment of Give & Dream in 2020, a total of 450 million won in scholarships have been distributed. Last year, the company also launched 

a "Mental Coaching" program with mentoring from sports stars to support up-and-coming athletes through various programs.


Thomas Klein, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Cars, said: "We will continue to support talented young athletes as they work towards their dreams.


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